Wednesday 7 April 2010

OCR GCSE Media studies

Cross Media Analysis- Revision notes

Look at the following slides and answer the following questions:

Why do companies advertise?

What forms of media do they use?

What techniques do they use to persuade us to buy their products or services?

Use the following tree map to structure your thoughts:

Your focus for paper two will be ADVERTISING. You need to understand what advertising is, how companies advertise (forms) and the techniques they use.

One question will focus on the advertising techniques used in both the Tango and Bacardi adverts.

You need to discuss the methods used by advertisers of at least two adverts from different media's (TV, Print, Internet...) to persuade audiences to buy the product.

You need to:

  • Analyse how each medium has been used.

  • How the products were made attractive to their audiences.

Messages and values (representation)

Your second question will focus on the Guinness campaign, from the 1950's to present day. You need to examine how the advertising campaign has changed over time. You need to focus on representation, target audience and product placement.

Read the following slides for some background information.

Guinness Decades Information

View more presentations from vhodson.

Whilst watching the following clip, make notes on the following:

  • Representation of women and men

  • Target audience

  • Product placement

  • Strapline

  • Messages and Values

  • Hard sell/ Soft sell

What changes did you see?

Why do advertising campaigns need to change over time?

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